With a firefighter uncle and Grandfather Harris has a few firefighter bits and pieces already that will come in handy for decorations etc but first we had to think about the invitations. Out came Harris' real firefighters helmet and his dress up firefighters jacket (just a black jacket I put yellow duct tape all over) and I snapped a handful of pics.

I then found this Firetruck Custom Photo Birthday Invite by
Mohr Invitations for Less on etsy. A quick email sent with the photos, a request to change a few words around and to add some more yellow to the invite and we had our invitations ready to print.

Cute hey? I love the wording:
Sound The Alarm,
Slide Down The Pole,
Get Fired Up,
We're Ready To Roll!
It's time to celebrate,
so grab your gear.
Fireman Harris is
Turning 3 This Year!
Friday 2nd March from 5:30pm
Costin Fire Station
RSVP to the Fire Chief
Invites went out late last week and were received very well - looks like we'll have a house full of little Firefighters on March 2nd - woohoo!!
It really is party central at your house! I'm very glad that ours are all spread out! A fire engine party will be lots of fun for a 3 year old!! Loved the ski party pics too.
Sounds like a fun party and love the invite! I recently did my sister's engagement invites for the same date. That date definitely seems to be popular this year. There must be something about March 2nd! :).
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