Last weekend was a busy but fun weekend. With Mathilda's Market on the Sunday my wonderful mum offered to head to Sydney for the weekend and help out on the stall so we decided to move Christmas with my family forward and do it on the Saturday to take advantage of mum and dad being in town.
As you can imagine I was rather busy already with sewing up stock for the market so didn't think too much about the Christmas get together and we all actually agreed to do an afternoon tea thing rather than a full meal so at the last minute I decided to pull a Candy Cane themed afternoon tea table together!
With a few taps on the keyboard to order a handful of goodies and the help of a printer for the printables I'm pretty pleased with how it came out!

Included in the menu for afternoon tea were:

Reindeer cookies


Pretzels, nuts, green and red Skittles & M&M's, cheese and crackers & dip, and a few chocolate gold coins.

Candy Cane Rocky Road - YUM!!!!

Candy Canes and boiled lollies

Then with little juice pop top drinks for the kids wrapped in these fun and totally customizable printables made up by the very clever & lovely
Chickabug (seriously, how cute is the 'nutritional facts' panel!!)

add is a few red and white bon bons, a wooden tree (that I had bought 2 days earlier for my market stall display) with some baubles and a little order of red and white goodies such as the cupcake wrappers, napkins, paper cups & table runner from
The Party Studio the table was all tied together!!