Introducing Little Miss Giggleberry Bows - or LMG Bows as she prefers.
It started with a little playing and thinking during the school holidays about what she could do that is crafty and maybe she could sell to earn some spending money. W e chatted about it all and got to thinking about what thinks she likes herself and hair accessories was high on her list. We popped over to YouTube for some tutorials to find a style of bow Little Miss Giggleberry could make mostly by herself and found one in no time.
As the making began, firstly with scraps from my craft room, I had a "mummy lightbulb moment"!! I would help my girl promote and sell her bows on the deal that the profits made from them went towards her Irish Dancing expenses (little pat on the mummy back for that one ;P). Little Miss Giggleberry adores her Irish Dancing but WOWZA its a money muncher.... lesson fees, dance comps, shoes, interstate competitions later in the year and the big one - "The" Dress.
So, as I was saying, Bows, bows, bows! There has been oodles of back to school bows made and sold to match school uniforms, fun and fabulous bows for friends and family, bows made in particular favorited colours just because, some X-Large bows for the wow factor and even some bulk orders for dance schools!
She is having a ball with each and every order... there has even been chatter about a market stall!
If you or someone you know would like one two or a bucket load of bows please pop us and email at giggleberrycreations(at)gmail(dot)com with what you are after and we would be more than happy to help you out.