This item may not be very exciting to you, but it is soooooo cool for me! I have finally had a custom timber template made up for my flags!

That's right... Giggleberry Creations has been around now for just a tiny bit over 2 years and in that time I have made 100's & 1000's of flags for my handmade fabric bunting banners and all of them have been measured, marked and cut using cardboard templates. I can't tell you how many cardboard templates I have made then either over used, accidentally lost, accidentally cut, had one of my kids 'help' pack it away or similar and then needed to make a new one. So it was about time I had a sturdy, impossible to break template made. My problem was solved thanks to Say It With Letters on Etsy. These guys made my 1/2 inch thick MDF template to the exact size I need for Giggleberry flags to continue on being the perfect size and shape - Thank you!!
The other purchase I have made in the past week I wanted to share with you is from Kids Art and is for my nephew who turned 4 just yesterday. Kids Art is a WAHM business that makes fun and colourful personalised gifts from canvas art to wall clocks. I bought my, truck mad, nephew this personalised placemat and just knew he would LOVE it.

These placemats are a great gift to add to a parcel (he also got a funky T-shirt) or are the perfect bargain gift for those birthday parties that seem to pop up every single weekend that your kids are invited to and it's impossible to find a gift for.
So, Whacha been buyin'??