April 21, 2010

Watcha Been Buyin' Wednesday

There are just so many gorgeous items ready for purchase out there in the wonderful online retail world. I could spend days, weeks, months just floating in and out of boutiques, madeit, etsy... everywhere. And like many of you I always have a HUGE 'wishlist' but instead of sharing with you what I want I thought I'd share with you what I have actually purchased.

So without further ado I introduce: Whacha Been Buyin' Wednesday

I will try my hardest to post this every week. Sometimes it may be a tiny little purchase, sometimes it may be supplies, lots of the time I bet they will be items for my kids! But if I have bought it online within the past week or so I will absolutely share it on Wednesdays.

Here we go... Week 1:

A gift that will be hidden away until Milla's 3rd birthday (in November). It was just too lovely so I snapped it up just the other night... 'Maximus' Hobby Horse handmade but the very clever Elke of Calamity Bolt

Spiderman on the line tee, socks & Baobab hooded dress from Baby's Got Style. I had spotted the hooded dress in the latest Shop4Kids mag and LOVE it but just couldn't seem to 'complete checkout' with out a few things for Harris too!

I told you there would be lots of kiddie purchases.... So Whacha Been Buyin'?

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