I LOVE Christmas!!
The decorating, the gift buying, the family get togethers, the holidays, the food, the gift giving, the long summer days that end in a day light savings night, gift receiving... EVERYTHING!

So in anticipation of Christmas decorating our new home for the first time in just a few short months I couldn't go past a set of Jingle Sox from the uber talented Jenny of Deekie Belle Designs.
I asked Jenny to make 5 Jingle Sox, one for each member of our family and gave just the instruction of sticking to the colour combo our tree is decorated: black, silver and white.

Just look at the absolutely gorgeous Jingle Sox Jenny came up with!!

I LOVE them soooo much!! Each one even has it's own embroidered name tag on it so Santa will never get confused!!

I can't wait for the 1st of December to put these guys up!! Yay!

WOW ! They are amazing! I love the colour combination. I LOVE Christmas too....so much !!!
Enjoy getting ready and enjoying Christmas.
They are fabulous! You've given me a thrill of CHRISTMAS. I love it too. x
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