At 7:15 this morning hubby went into the kids room to wake them and start the days routine to find this...
Just a little bit of Sudocream on the cot... not so bad right?
WRONG! Milla and Harris had 'painted' the entire contents of their Sudocrem tub around the room - now we know what was so fun after they were put to bed last night!
Nice thick layers!
Clean up begins...
In my defense the Sudocrem was (or so I thought) out of reach buuuuut Miss Milla has developed some rather 'clever' climbing skills and managed to reach the tub - obviously!
Hope we've helped start your week with a giggle! Happy Monday!

Oh no! What a mess but cannot help have a chuckle! Kids just get up to the most unexpected things don't they?!!
Oh dear how awful but funny. Kids will be kids. Isn't this same child you spread zinc everywhere???
Oh deary me! lucky they are cute huh? or else you would have given them away by now!!!
OH NO! Bet that was not fun to clean up.
Yes Giggle!!!! Put a smile on my face!
He He. That's hilarious. My 3 year old son to my horror painted his nanna's room in pooh, so be thankful it at least smelt nice LOL x
oh too funny! my little guy did the same thing on Sunday, but also covered himself from head to toe, and when i found him he said - "it's on my teeth" !!!!! gaahhh!
I'm sorry Amy, I did laugh. But only because I've experienced nappy rash cream being used inappropriately too! When miss 4 was a toddler, she decided her toy doggy needed nappy rash cream on its bottom (LOL) and miss 2 recently decided it was good moisturiser, ack!
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