After cutting and sewing a great big bunch of flags I made myself a cup of tea, grabbed a biscuit and plonked myself on the couch with the newspaper and began turning the flags in the right way when I realized my BooBoo!!
If you wikipedia the word 'BooBoo' you'll see it can mean a few things -
Boo Boo (Yogi Bear)
Boo Boo, a chihuahua; the World's Smallest Living Dog
An injury, bruise, or laceration
Now there is no cartoon characters or small dogs in my home and I haven't had any injuries lately so it's safe to assume the BooBoo I had discovered was an error!
In my flag making frenzy I had cut and sewn six flags with one side the right way up and the other side upside down!!

This is where the Bonus part for you comes in..... I went ahead with making the flags into a bunting banner and have decided to give it away!!
Why would you want a "BooBoo Bunting" I hear you ask.... here are my arguments for and against - I'll leave it up to you to decide if it's worth your while...
* Unique 'one of a kind' banner
* Talking point / Conversation starter
* Made with Alexander Henry's 'Traffic Jam' fabric so it is a busy enough print you might not notice.....
* Only one side is upside down so it can be hung against a wall & you wouldn't see 'wrong' side
* It's free!!
* Not great if you're a perfectionist
So who's in for this fun and VERY unique giveaway??? All you have to do is leave me a comment here telling me about a time you made a BooBoo.... it can be a BooBoo made with your art or craft or a BooBoo made with your kids, while cooking, with your in laws, while driving.... anything! The one that gives me a best giggle will not only make me feel less like a twit for making my BooBoo but will also be the new owner of this bright, fun and individual set of Giggleberry flags!
Worldwide entries welcome. Entries close Sunday 31st of May. Winner will be announced Monday 1st of June.

Haha! What a great giveaway, I would be honoured to hang an upsidedown giggleberry bunting in my house!
As for boo boos, where to start:
1. Ironing the interfacing onto the iron, not the fabric.
2. Sewing my horse ears backwards.
3. Sewing up the hole for elastic casing on my bloomers without putting the elastic in first!
Take your pick - these are all within the last week!
I have list like Emma :)but
the dumbest was sewing the bottom onto a bag inside out-I un-pulled it and stitched it again-inside out!!
in year 8 textiles i managed to sew the bottom of my bag into the crad pull case at the top creating a ver original shell shaped bag. No surprises that my textiles teacher didn't see a sewing career for me in the future...
but what i have learn't from this is how to fix it... which is lucky because i still do it...
LOL, my son would love this. He could care if it's upsidedown or not.
I have been known to make my ornaments and forget to put the hanger in before baking it.
I probably would have never noticed!
Ha Ha, where to start??!!
How about my latest! Forgetting to shut the toilet door, only to find my exceptionally active and adventurous 16 month old son standing with both feet in the actual toilet clapping and waving his hands, "hey, look what I can do"!!! Mental note - always shut the toilet door!!
Hehe my booboo of the week:
I made a blog button for artists who've been featured on my Australian Etsy blog and mentioned it in a post, kindly letting them know that they could ass it to their blog if they would like to.
I didn't even realise until LaceAndLinks pointed it out...I nearly spat my tea all over my laptop!
How one would 'ass' anything to a blog is beyond me....
My worst boo-boo and most embarrassing is going out with my slippers on.. Talk about a blond moment!
What a great giveaway!
I remember crawling around on the floor heavily pregnant with my first child basting the cot quilt I "had" to finish before she was born. Finally I get myself up huffing and puffing only to find I'd basted the backing on upside down! She didn't mind, born a week later!
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