On The Menu For Tonight:
Deviled sausages & veggies.
On My To Do List:
Take photos of four new flag sets
Post overnight sales
HUGE pile of washing after a busy weekend
New Recipe I Tried Last Week:
Banana bread
Corn cakes (thanks for the recipe sis)
In The Craft Basket:
Button bouquet
Looking Forward To:
HUGE parcel of fabric I purchased late last week to arrive this week! Yay!
Giggle For The Week:
"Having a 2 year old is kind of like having a blender; without the lid" - Sienfeld.
Favourite Blog Post Of The Week (Mine Or Other):
Featured Artist Wednesday - a little biased lol
Favourite Photo From Last Week:
Taken on Sunday at my Sister in laws house. We had a lunch for Mother's Day and put the girls down for a snooze... in separate beds.... as you can see no sleep happened... just lots of giggles.
Lesson Learned From Past Few Days:
Day time snoozes for 18 month olds won't happen if they are in a room with their older fun cousin!

Hope the Corn Cakes were yummy!!
Those little ones are clever! My nephew "rescued" our little guy out of the pack-n-play ... that was the first step of him learning how to escape from his crib!
Great idea for a way to start the week - kind of like journaling your plans, but in public :)
I had to laugh about the 2 kids in the pack-n-play. Kids are too funny!
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