Roast Chicken! Yum!
On My To Do List:
Sew pile of flags that I cut last night
Announce winner of Kookie blog giveaway
Post new Kookie blog giveaway
HUGE pile of washing - no not the same pile as last week.... another huge pile seems to have appeared!
New Recipe I Tried Last Week:
Quiche Lorraine...... winner with hubby - will have to make it a regular.
In The Craft Basket:
Button bouquet (another one.... last weeks was for my sister this week one for my Aunty - such a great handmade gift)
Looking Forward To:
My nieces 3rd birthday on the weekend
Giggle For The Week:
"Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas" - Paula Poundstone
Favourite Blog Post Of The Week (Mine Or Other):
Paint your own Polka Dot Mat - Polka Dot Mom...... I've filed this one away for doing when I decorate my kids rooms.
Favourite Photo From Last Week:
Taken on Sunday night. I was doing tiny bits of sewing while waiting for dinner to finish cooking when Milla who was just about to go to bed wanted to see what I was up to. I mostly sew when she is in bed so she was amazed, and very excited, to see the sewing machine in action!
Lesson Learned From Past Few Days:
Always make sure you have super soft aloe vera tissues in the house in case of the flu hitting...... (sore nose)

Mmm Quiche, haven't made that for a while. Cute pic of you and your girl!
Be careful of the new recipe for the following reasons:
1. Hub might get fed up with it.
2. Hub might boast at work about it and you will end up feeding a herd.
LOVELY and very refreshing!
isn't it "fun" when the little ones "help"...
what an absolutely adorable picture....just to see that expression on her face....
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