* Straws - plastic, paper, stainless steel, striped, spotty, white, coloured - whatever you have or can get your hands on or suits your theme is perfect.
* Scissors
* Paper shape - in my case butterflies but you could do cars, hearts, rainbow, a letter or number... anything to match your theme.
NOTE: I bought my shapes from HERE all pre cut and in the colours I wanted to make life super easy. But if you want you can buy a craft punch the shape you want and some scrap booking paper in the colours/patterns you need and make the shapes yourself.
Step 1.
Take your shape and fold in half.
Step 2.
With your scissors snip two little slits across the fold into the shape. They should be approx half an inch apart depending on your shape size.
Step 3.
Unfold shape and insert your straw though the two slits so the shape is held in place on the straw.
Told you is was easy!!
And cute too!!

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