Head over to The Mom Buzz to enter the Little Miss Matched sock giveaway!! I hear you say "socks?? who wants to win socks??" but trust me these are so much fun and the perfect answer to the old odd sock problem and they couldn't be more unique because at Little Miss Matched you don't get a pair of socks. You get a Mixter Pack. Each Mixter Pack comes with three socks that complement and "match", but they are not identical. So mix it up a new way each and every day! And, you can throw that "extra" sock in your tote or diaper bag, and if one sock gets ooey-gooey or lost - just throw that 3rd part of the set on those little toes!

So just by visiting Little Miss Matched and choosing your fav 'set' then posting it back at The Mom Buzz HERE you will be in the running to win a weeks worth - that's 3 sets - of socks for your baby or toddler!!! Entries close January 20th so be quick!

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