The birthday season for our family is rolling around again and with my kids getting a bit older I have been pushed out of the decision role for choosing a theme... This year Milla asked for a butterfly party for her 4th birthday (my little party planner informed me of this months ago) So here we go, this is the first of my butterfly party planning posts! Yay!
With the theme under control where to next? The colour scheme.
I find it really easy to find a theme then a colour combo to base everything from when planning. After a little hunting around for some fun butterfly fabric we (I say 'we' because I am determined to let Milla be in on all the planning and creating bits and pieces) settled on this ' Sacha in Pink' by Kumari Garden

Cute hey? a bunch of summery bright colours - red, pinks, orange, lime green, yellow - perfect for a November party!

I have bought a bunch of this fabric and some of it's coordinating fabrics and will turn it into a table cloth/runner, some bunting (of course) and other ides I have brewing away ;)
Speaking of ideas, these are just some of the inspiration I have found online while searching.... this is going to be fun!!

Any other butterfly ideas I should know about?? I'd love to see

oh Yay another giggleberry creations household party !!!!
Can't wait to see the final outcome - love that fabric.
Have fun Amy,
Dee x
A butterfly party sounds so fun! Perfect for a 4 year old. Let me know if you need any printables for the party!
You can buy butterfly cake tins from spotlight and Victoria's Basement (although maybe a little pricey for single use) But you can also hire them... I did from Cake art and design for Hayley's birthday last year... and then just decorated in in different coloured m&ms... Looked fantastic and probably the first time the whole cake was eaten!
We've just had a Hungry Caterpillar party for my 4yo, and it was BRILLIANT! You'll have a great time planning it.
One ideas related to butterflies - we had chubba lollies which we made card wings for and added googly eyes, put them in the party bags and took them to school for the birthday sharing they do at the nursery. Got the idea from pinterest of course!
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