What a thrill it was to see some custom ordered Giggleberry Creations bunting on the AMAZING Amy Atlas blog!!
Remeber I was showing you HERE, just the other day customer feedback photos from the super cute 'Preppy Turtle' party that Paper & Pigtails threw?... Well Amy Atlas seemed to also think it was super cute and featured it this week on her blog HERE. You can see a few pics of the hot pink and lime green custom bunting I was asked to make for the dessert table.

I got to tell you, this put the giggle in Giggleberry when I saw it. Amy Atlas is like a God in dessert table styling world!!

congrats, thats so cool!
Congrats Amy! You deserve it! I just love your bunting work and I really really want the SPIN dress you made for your daughter, <3
From Bali With Love,
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