I am honored to have Candy as this weeks Featured Artist' as she was one of the many gorgeous people who donated their items to my family's fundraiser for our Autistic daughter. Candy hand makes many stunning hair bows with the most amazing and sweet ribbons!! Check out her shop at www.sobellacreations.etsy.com for a wide choice of hair bows that would be perfect for stocking stuffing...... You can also follow all of the happenings with Candy at her blog of the same name So Bella Creations
Tell us all about yourself and your craft?
My name is Candy. I'm a stay at home Mom to two girls, ages 2 and 5. My craft is making bows.
How long have you been creating your craft?
I started making bows probably when my oldest daughter was 2 . I started making hair bows for her because the only bows the boutiques sold were solid colored bows. And most of these bows were attached to a alligator clip. I found we were constantly losing bows. And I wanted some bows with stripes, polkadots or with characters. So I bought a bow making kit and ordered ribbon. And practiced and practiced. People kept telling me you should sell your bows. So that is where I'm at now.

What is one of the biggest lesson you have learnt about your craft & selling it?
Biggest lesson ~ Just because someone likes your product doesn't mean you will be selling constantly.
Which of your items did you have the most fun creating & why?
I enjoyed making the Minnie Mouse bow with the bottlecap. I love the color red. Minnie is a wonderful character. And the bottle cap adds just the right touch to the bow.

Is there a basic 'household' item you use when creating that seems to work just as good if not better than the actual 'tool'?
I use clothespins to hold my bow in place. Especially handy if I have forgotten to thread my needle. Or if one of the girls needs something.
What is your favourite candy bar & why?
My favorite Candy Bar is the Snickers Bar. It has chocolate, caramel and peanuts. Three of my favorite things and makes a great combo.

If money, responsibilities, and time were no issues where in the great wide world would you go & why?
I would chose to go Ireland. The land seems so serene and beautiful. And they have some great artist that I would love to visit.

I love SoBella! What a great feature.
Thanks for the feature!
And thanks for the kind comments SPB.
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