Those who know me know I love the delete button..... I am what ever is the complete opposite to a hoarder is - if it's broken I throw it out, if I haven't used it in a while I'll sell it on ebay, If I've read it I'll delete it from my emails, if I haven't worn it since last season I'll give it to good will, if my kids have out grown it I pass it down the line to a niece or nephew etc etc but for some reason when it comes to fabric I just can't bring my self to part with it. Even the tiniest scraps are kept.
Which got me thinking.... I'm a practical person and I know I wasn't just keeping these gorgeous 'off cuts' around just to collect dust in a corner of my house but I just couldn't find anything to get me motivated enough to create with them. Until a day I had some spare time - rare I know - to sit down with my big bag of scraps and my sewing machine. I just started to sew pieces together. After a little while I realized I actually now had one huge and growing piece of fabric and there was my lightening bolt moment - I'll make a quilt!!!!
I now had my inspiration and motivation. I just wasn't quiet sure how to get to that finished product so since I've never actually made a quilt before in my life I took a photo of the large piece I had already and sent it to my mum on the email who has made many 'traditional' quilts of different style and sizes so I figured she could help point me and my scraps in the right direction.
Now because the scraps are of every shape and size you can imagine, the piece I was gradually building on was slowly becoming less and less flat so good old mum suggested I cut it into squares and then re-sew these squares together until I have the size I wanted or I ran out of off cuts to add.
So I have done just that and over the past few weeks any chance I've had I have added a little more to my quilt until last night when I was full of energy and decided it was time to finish it! I've padded it up nice and soft with wadding and used super soft polar fleece for the backing and TaDah - Giggleberry's first Scraps Quilt!
It took allot of flag making to build up enough of the beautiful scraps I used for the quilt but I figure it won't be long before I have another big bag to play with and maybe these quilts will start to make an appearance every few months in the Giggleberry shop???
Now all I have to do is come up with a name for them....... 'Scraps Quilt' just doesn't sound right - any suggestions???
How about the Banner Quilt - by the way, it is gorgeous!
That is gorgeous! I love it! I'm not a quilter, but I know I've heard of something called a 'crazy quilt'...perhaps that's a quilt made up of scraps odd shapes and sizes...I'm probably just making myself look stupid right now. lol...whatever you call it - its beautiful!
Your quilt is too much FUN! I love the variety of colors and shapes. In my book I call them "Crazy Patch Quilts!" LOVE it!
That is absolutely beautiful!!! How about using the blog post title?
I just love that quilt!! Its bright and fun and cheery whereas a lot of quilts tend to be quiet and sedate. Hope to see more of these - definitely put them on your site!!!
I love your quilt! The design and colors are bright and fun. I agree with apple blossom - "Bits and Pieces" sounds really cute!
you did a great job. I love all the colors and odd shapes. I would name it 'memories' as each piece came from a different project that you think of when you see it.
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