We had a flick through our book shelves and narrowed costume choices down to either Cruella DeVille (from 101 Dalmatians) or Mary Poppins. (I have to be honest I was hoping and pushing for Grug but had not even the hint of a yes on that one. Maybe Master Giggleberry will say yes to that one in a few years time).
Mary Poppins won the vote and so I got to digging through the cupboards.
One white button up shirt - Check. I just sewed a ruffled ribbon to the front to give it a 'Victorian look'
One black skirt - Check.
Black tights - Check.
Black shoes - Check.
Some red ribbon for the belt and neck tie - Check.
Black Umbrella - Check. You could get a little more creative and make a parrot head to attach to the handle too.
Pattern bag to look like Mary's magic carpet bag - Check.
We were on a roll! I dashed out one late Thursday night and spent the total of $6 buying a white gloves, a black hat, some fake flowers and cherries. My hot glue gun made short work of it all and Mary Poppins was complete!
My little Mary Poppins was very pleased and looked the part, if I do say so myself!
She even won best dressed in Kindergarten at todays Book Week parade!