The weather in my neck of the woods:
Wintery cold and overcast today... an inside day for sure.
One of my simple pleasures:
A glass of wine and a few bits of Club dark chocolate while ensconced on the couch with the laptop late at night - seriously I just disappear into my own little world :)
On my TV:
Don't have a TV - thank goodness too... no time in the day at the moment to sit a watch anything!
On the menu for tonight:
Pork Chops and mash..... will I be bothered to make apple sauce?
On my To Do List:
Laundry pile from holidays
Custom orders x6 bunting banners & 1 cushion cover
Post overnight sales
Set up spare bed for mum who is staying with us this week
Clean Shower.... I hate this job but someone's got to do it right?
Blog about Craft Swap - Gotta show you what I got!
New Recipe I tried last week:
Cheesy potato bake cake - Yum!
In the craft basket:
Button Bouquet
Looking forward to:
Mum visiting
My little boy getting over his cold :(
Homemaking Tip for this week:
Get a maid - LOL
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Absolutely NO blog reading for me last week, I've been away from the computer, LOTS to catch up on!
Favorite photo from last week:
I could post about a million holiday snaps but that would probably bore you all to death so I won't.
This was snapped by hubby while we played with the bubbles in the sunshine on the weekend.
Lesson learned the past few days:
Better to be safe than sorry - my little man has had high temps and sleepless nights for a few days so I took him to the Medical Centre.... 3 1/2 hrs later I was told it's just a simple cold. A pain to wait but worth it.