The weather in my neck of the woods:
Cold winter nights and beautiful sunny winter days!! I LOVE this time of year!
On the menu for tonight:
Good old lamb chops and veggies
On my To Do List:
Post weekend sales
Replenish the packaging bits and pieces for Giggleberry
Post new Giveaway/Review for Kookie blog
In the craft basket:
Girls crazy quilts
Fabric bracelet
Grosgrain ribbon belts
Looking forward to:
Catching up with girlfriends tomorrow.... it's been too long - It's the first time they are meeting Harrison and he's now 3 1/2 months old!!
Homemaking Tip for this week:
Not sure if you can buy these outside Australia but Chux Magic Erasers are THE BEST cleaning aid EVER!!! Crayon and ink coming off walls that easy can only be seen to believed - they really are MAGIC!!!!
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Handmade News -
Beautiful Bunting for Baby's Big Day. Hmmmmm I wonder why it's my fav?? lol
Favorite photo from last week:

After Milla's big girl bed arrived last week we have started sleeping Harrison in the cot.... I snapped this photo of Milla talking to Harrison through the cot bars after a snooze late last week.
Lesson learned the past few days:
Don't forget your shopping list when food shopping.... I've doubled up on things i didn't need and forgot things we did need..... Oh well!