
November 16, 2012

Happy Friday Find!

Getting close to the 1st of December now... that's when the Festive Season officially starts in our house. The tree goes up, the yard decorations go out, fairy lights galore are hung, advent calendars are begun and the christmas cards are sent out!
I try to send out a little card and family pic each year. A great way to 'catch up' with friends and family we might not see as often as we'd like to.

Maybe this year I need some of these cute Bunting Return Address Labels from Tallulah & Gage to make writing our my cards a little easier and quicker (and more festive too!)
Happy Friday xx

November 9, 2012

Happy Friday Find!

I can feel it in the air (and see it in every shop) Christmas is on the way - YAY!!
I ADORE Christmas - every single bit and I have already been making bits an pieces to add to our decoration collection with the kids. I am yet to get our Christmas cards organised and have just a few more gifts to buy but after seeing this idea from Papermash for making your own bunting gift tags I think I will add them to my To Do List too - Yay!

Happy Friday xx

November 6, 2012

Bunting Style for Melbourne Cup!

Today is Melbourne Cup - "the race that stops the nation" apparently. There is, of course, the actual race, but I myself am always more interested in the fashions! The frocks, the shoes, the headwear etc etc FAB!!
I must admit I will probably miss the race as we have no TV in our home and as today is really just a normal Tuesday here (catching up on washing, playing with little people and sewing) I will have to check the results online later.
So I figured I would do a little imagining I was at a race day event... maybe a luncheon somewhere with plenty of friends and bubbles? and as this is my imaginary Melbourne Cup day then I can imagine that this would be my fabulous BUNTING outfit...

Bunting dress (found HERE), Bunting Clutch (found HERE), A pair of the AMAZING and perfectly named Jimmy Choo 'Bunting' sandal heels (found HERE) and of course you can't say your outfit is complete on Melbourne Cup day without some king of head wear so some sweet Lace Bunting for my hair (found HERE)
What do you think? too much bunting? LOL, I did say it was imaginary!
Happy Cup Day - hope you pick a winner!

November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Halloween 2012 is now all packed away safely for another year but just ask Milla or Harris about it and they'll have you know it was LOTS of fun!
We decorated our house again this year with a few changes from last year and added a bunch of orange, grey and black bunting. The neighbours all followed suite with a few skeletons, jack-o-lanterns and witches popping up over the past few weeks on our street!

There was lots of excitement yesterday afternoon when the kids cousins, all dressed up with buckets in hand, joined us for Trick or Treating!!

Batman, a mummy, a butterfly, a princess, a witch and Darth Vader happily went from house to house knocking on spooky doors and collecting treats - our cousins who had never done this before were AMAZED at what they got!!

We handed out over 50 ghost lollipops to other trick or treaters and had people coming to our place to pose infront of and take pics of our house!! I can see Halloween getting bigger and bigger each year and we are loving it!!

Now I wonder how long we can make the treat stash last???