
September 28, 2012

Happy Friday Find!

Spring is here for sure! We have had some absolutely stunning sunny days and the kids even played under the sprinkler last weekend it has been that warm - gorgeous! My girl has been quick to pull out all her favourite summer dresses she couldn't wear during winter and discovered lots now don't fit!
I'm thinking it's time to get the sewing machine into action for something other than bunting and make some pretty dresses.
How sweet would this Lined Bunting Edge Dress be on a little girl? and the pattern is HERE from Sew Set for FREE! Nice!
I can see some brightly coloured bunting edge coming right up!
Happy Friday xx

September 21, 2012

Happy Friday Find!

I love to give gifts. I love to wrap gifts.
I LOVE this bunting gift wrap paper from Love Mae... I think I need to add some to my stash!
Happy Friday xx

September 17, 2012

I did it!!!!!

Half Marathon - DONE!

There has been a rather large smile on my face since crossing the finish line at the stairs of the Opera House yesterday morning.
What a blast! I was aiming to finish the 21.1km Half Marathon course around the 2hr mark so my finish time of 2hrs 3mins 34secs is absolutely fine with me!
I managed to snap a pic at the start of the race as we crossed the Harbour Bridge but then tucked my phone away again and got down to business.

The course is a spectacular one to run, with some awesome views and Sydney's weather yesterday was stunning which made the whole experience fabulous!
Thanks to my father in law who came along to see my sister in law and I at the finish line. He snapped some pics while he was there for memories sake but they are only just a taste of how awesome it was to be a part of the race.
I'll be back next year - I just have to decide if I will be lining up for the Half or the Full Marathon...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to those gorgeous people who sponsored my run in support of my step daughter Felicity - You are STARS!!!!!!

September 11, 2012

Half Marathon for Felicity!

Remember a few months ago I told you HERE how I have been training for my first official half marathon?? Well the time has ticked away and we are almost there - only 5 sleeps left in fact, and I can't wait, Woohoo!
So why am I doing this??

Not only am I mum to Milla and Harrison but I am also step-mum to Felicity, who happens to have a sever form of autism. Felicity was born unique with a rare chromosome disorder and a day in her life is very different to yours or mine. Coming up on 12, she works hard every day to learn simple language, organise her body and learn social skills..... and she does this in her own unique & delightful way. Felicity is currently in her 7th year of her full time in home Son-Rise Program™ for her Autism and this program is allowing her to reach for the stars. She is an absolute delight to be around and her joyful personality touches many peoples lives.
It's automatic to assume that I am running my first ever Half Marathon next week FOR Felicity but the truth in the matter is I am running BECAUSE of Felicity and I thank her for that... let me explain what I mean.
What I have learnt in the short time I have been honoured to be in the role parent/step-parnet to these three little people is that if they are happy in their life there is nothing more they will need. They can choose to be well paid, uber educated lawyers OR fit, fab and healthy athletes OR struggling artists one day - who knows! But if they are doing it with a smile in their heart then what more could I ask for?
I get asked by lots of people "how is Felicity?" and I can only assume they want to hear me reply with "she is doing so well, she now has X amount of words and any day now we will have her enrolled in a typical school and her Autism is a thing of the past" Of course I will be thrilled to one day tell people that, but what I have learnt and am continuing to learn is what I reply with: "she is happy" and for any parent/step-parent that is perfection!
Anyone that knows Felicity will tell you she is one cheeky, bubbly girl who is ALWAYS smiling no matter what is in her way. Seeing this shine through her for the past 6 years that I have been Felicity's step mum has made me realise that I need to always search for what makes me happy and DO IT! Happiness is a choice!

Enter running. It started as a little 'fitness kick' to loose a bit of baby weight - I did and I was happy. Then I realised I kinda liked this running stuff - so I keep doing it and I was happy. I ran my first ever official race last year when I took on the City2Surf - when I crossed the finish line I was happy. I run most mornings which wakes me up (I'm NOT a morning person) and gets me in a good mood ready to start the day with my family - that makes me happy. I have goals set to better my times/distance/pace - I beat them and I am happy. I WILL run my first ever Half Marathon in Felicity's name - this will make my heart happy. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't feeling 'un-happy' before all this but I wasn't happy with my weight, I wasn't happy with my grumpy mood in the mornings when there is such a better way to be with my gorgeous family, I wash't happy being an unfit mum who would rather sit and watch my kids instead of run and play with them, I wasn't happy with feeling unattractive to my hubby but what I am trying to say is Felicity and her Son-Rise Program has helped me learn that you need to find whatever it is that makes you happy and do it - that 'thing' for me in the past 2 years has been running..... it might not always be running but for now it is and I will run next weeks 21.09km Half Marathon race with a smile in my heart knowing I am doing it for myself - What an AWESOME thing to be able to say!

Thank you Felicity for being such a gift to my everyday and I will be delighted to run this race for you in the hopes to raise more more for your Son-Rise Program xx

I would absolutely LOVE your support for Sunday's race if you are able. Your sponsorship donation would go a long way in continuing Felicity's Son-Rise Program and would be appreciated beyond words! Pop over to the DONATE page on the Running The Marathon Of Autism's website HERE for ways to sponsor me!!

September 10, 2012

Giggleberry HQ Refresh!

Thanks to my parents current home improvements/renovations two lovely, solid and not very old wooden desks & matching filing cabinet were going begging so I snapped them up! Dad delivered them all on the weekend so I took the opportunity to give Giggleberry HQ or my 'Mummy Cave' as hubby calls it a little refresh.



Is it just me or with that huge black corner desk gone I am sure the room is MUCH brighter! It's soooo nice to have all our filing hidden away in the cabinet and I do think it's rather cute that it now all matches and I have even hung up some of hubby's skiing bits to make it a little more of a shared space rather than just a 'Mummy Cave' lol.

I can't promise it will be this tidy at all times but it definitely is lovely to sit and sew or work on the Mac in here now!

September 9, 2012

Surprise Baby Sprinkle!

A few weeks ago I was asked by my eldest niece if I could help her plan a surprise baby shower for her mum, my sister-in-law, Sarah. Of course I jumped at the chance to throw a party and away we went.
This bubby is number four for Sarah so we went with a Baby 'Sprinkle' rather than shower and tied in umbrellas, clouds, and rain drops in a pink, blue & white colour combo.
The invites and printables were custom made by the aways amazing Cake Ink. and were the perfect way to set the feel of the party for the guests.

Also in with the invites was a little note asking guests to bring a children's book as their gift for bubby as Sarah already has lots of the usual gifts that you would see at a baby shower... this was such a cute Pinterest inspired idea I just couldn't go past!

So onto the party day... I set up outside to enjoy the gorgeous Spring weather we have been having. Lots of Sarah's family are interstate so I asked one of her sisters if she would like to make a 'Sprinkle' banner to hang behind the table - a nice way for her to be involved in the day when she couldn't be here herself.

On the table for us to enjoy we had some yummy goodies made by My Cakepops, Her Macarons, and Party Cake By Leora all in pale pink and blues and the cupcake toppers by Leora matched the invites and printables exactly!! Everyone LOVED them! We also munched on mini sandwiches, fruit salad and pearl pink and blue Sixlets.

The cake pop stand from Tiny Tots Toy Hire worked beautifully sitting onto one of my cake stands with some pink and blue ribbon added for the baby cake pops!

I found the little umbrella stands from a seller HERE on etsy and they were perfect & super cute for displaying the macarons

Drinks were served in little baby bottles with paper straws from Occasion By Design and gave everyone a little giggle.

There was a nappy wreath I had made to greet guests as they arrived.

I found some white, pink and blue umbrella fabric and used it to make HEAPS of pink and blue bunting, a rag garland and a cushion cover for the mum-to-be's special chair for the party.

We played a few games of course. 1) Each guest was given a necklace (ribbon with a mini novelty dummy or rattle on it) as they arrived and were told they could't say baby, pregnant or mum and if they heard someone else say any of those words they were allowed to claim that persons necklace. 2) Waters breaking game - each guest was given a mini plastic cupie doll that had been frozen inside an ice cube. You were to suck and lick only - no biting - until your 'waters broke' and bubby was 'born'... this made for some funny photos

3) Pin the cloth nappy on the balloon baby without popping.
Everyone had lots of fun and laughs. It was lovely way to celebrate the impending arrival of another baby into our families!

September 7, 2012

Happy Friday Find!

Party Planning? Want something a little different than the usual plastic cutlery? How about these incredibly cute and fun Bunting Disposable Spoons by Miss Isa

I think I might need a few sets in my party planning cupboard.... Just in case :)
Happy Friday xx

September 4, 2012

Media - Shop 4 Kids

What a lovely surprise it was this afternoon to spot Giggleberry Creations in the latest issue of Shop 4 Kids magazine. I always buy this mag and grabbed a copy this morning on a quick dash into the shops but didn't get a chance to sit and enjoy flicking the pages until this afternoon in the gorgeous Spring sunshine.
As I perused the gorgeous pages and mentally made a Christmas shopping list I came to 'The Perfect Party Guide' on pages 136-141 and spotted Giggleberry Creations listed under 'Decorations & Tableware' - how cool!
Thanks Shop 4 Kids for your great mag and ongoing support!!