
February 27, 2010

Pirate Party Pics

Our shady spot under a tree decorated with the Giggleberry pirate bunting banners of course and some pirate balloons!

The locked Treasure chest... what's inside?

After a hunt around the park with the help of our real pirates treasure map...

The kids found the key to open the lock!

And look what they found inside...

with our picnic lunch, the pirate cookies, pirate cupcakes and the treasure chest cake and of course lolly bags, there was plenty of things to munch on!

Nom, Nom, Nom

Harrison was one very lucky little pirate with all the amazing goodies he was given!

What a fun day! Harrison had a great time playing, eating and having lots of cuddles from all his pirate family and friends... I think tomorrow will be one very slow paced, sleepy day ;)


February 25, 2010

I'm a 'Mum Who Makes' on the Madeit blog

Take a little wander over to the blog HERE to check out a little interview I did. The interview is the first of many 'Mum Who Makes' features that will be posted regularly on the blog. These are a fun way to get to know the mum's behind some of the handmade lovelies on

I'm honored to be the first!

February 24, 2010

Giggleberry Creations webpage has gone LIVE!!!

Weeeeeeeeeeee! It's finally here! Thanks to the so very FABULOUS Style Me Gorgeous and the AMAZING Tea & Jam Photography the Giggleberry Creations webpage at has become a reality! This is the 'home base' for finding all things Giggleberry like shop, blog, FAQ etc etc.

I LOVE it and am so excited to finally show it off to you all! I'd love to know what you think...


February 22, 2010

A messy giggle from the Giggleberry Family

Hubby and I put our two little kids to bed last night at their normal bedtime. They share a room so usually have a little sing and talk to each other then fall asleep with 10 to 15 minutes but last night we could still hear them playing about an hour after we put them to bed. We decided they were just 'hyped up' and would settle themselves down eventually so there was no need to go into their room and check on them...... silly us!
At 7:15 this morning hubby went into the kids room to wake them and start the days routine to find this...

Just a little bit of Sudocream on the cot... not so bad right?

WRONG! Milla and Harris had 'painted' the entire contents of their Sudocrem tub around the room - now we know what was so fun after they were put to bed last night!

Nice thick layers!

Clean up begins...

In my defense the Sudocrem was (or so I thought) out of reach buuuuut Miss Milla has developed some rather 'clever' climbing skills and managed to reach the tub - obviously!
Hope we've helped start your week with a giggle! Happy Monday!


February 17, 2010

Style Collective - Bridal Style Feature!

What a compliment! Giggleberry's Strawberries & Cream bunting banner has been spotted on Style Collective! The banner can be seen in the Bridal Style section HERE in the February Red, White and Sparkling theme. I am so in love with this theme as it's the same theme hubby and I had for our wedding... awwwwwww!

Take a look at the other Red, White and Sparkling ideas Bridal Style has in this blog post to help make your wedding fabulous!


February 15, 2010

More Pirate Party Planning... Arrrrr!

We are now two weeks away from Cap'n Harrison's 1st birthday Pirate Party! I'm pretty sure I have all the bits and pieces I need... I just have to make it all come together!

To Do:
Send out invites
Make Lolly bag name tags
Fill & Tag Lolly bags
Make bunting
Buy birthday boy's outfit
organise final bits and pieces for 'Treasure Hunt' game

Now, my boy can't have a party without some Giggleberry bunting so I got my hands on some fun red, black and white skull and cross bones fabric and matched it with some red & white thick striped fabric and some black & white thin striped fabric and sewed until there was no fabric left! Ta dah - ALLOT of pirate bunting to hang at the park!

I had some small 'off cuts' from the flags so I made some fabric backed gift tags with it and then on the other side, in a pirate looking font, I put each child's name with Pirate in front of it (e.g. Pirate Milla) these will be used as the name tags for the lolly bags. Cute hey?

Cap't Harrison's outfit needs to be something the birthday boy can still play in so we stayed away from a 'dress up' costume and found these adorable shorts from Brusslesprouts with pirates all over them. They will be worn with a basic white T-shirt Harrison was given for Christmas (totally random but worked out just perfect!) that has a small embroidered pirate face on it.

To Do (24 hrs before):
Make cupcakes
Make cookies
Make 'The Cake'
Pack car full of everything! (I probably should make a 'To Take' list too)

I was the lucky giveaway winner recently of some of these red with white stars cupcake wrappers from The Cupcake Wrapper Co, so immediately set them aside for use at the party. I plan to make some simple cupcakes decorated like these I found on Flickr with a pirate flag and maybe a gold foil chocolate coin too...

For a bit of Swashbuckling fun we are having a Treasure Hunt at the party. There will be a padlocked treasure chest with us at the park for all the guests to see (the treasure chest is just my kids big toy basket that I will empty and take along on the day).
You may remember from HERE that we made a pirate Treasure Map. This map has a number of X's on it. At each of the 5 X's there will be a hidden key that hubby will take the kids on the hunt to find. Once they find all the keys they will come back to the locked treasure chest and try each key until the padlock can be opened - revealing the birthday cake inside!
The birthday cake will be (if it turns out alright) a treasure chest cake full of gold coins & lolly jewels! I have be using the ever faithful Google search to help me work out the best way to make & decorate the cake. I LOVE the look of this one I found on the great website Coolest Birthday Cakes.

Between the videos I found HERE and HERE and the 'how to' blog post I found HERE I feeling confident I can put Cap't Harrison's fun cake together.
Now, have I forgotten anything???? Not long now and I will be able to share photos from the party - Yay!


February 11, 2010

Wedding's with Giggleberry...

I was recently contacted to do some custom bunting banners for a wedding. The bride, Amber, was kind enough to share with me this 'colour palette' that was being used for the wedding so I could find the perfect selection of fabrics to match.

I also got to see these gorgeous wedding invites - I LOVE how the guests are invited to celebrate "A Sweet Day In May", the invite tells the guests where and when the wedding will be held and ends with the line "Dinner, Dancing & Eternity to follow" - so unique!

I took a trip to my favorite fabric shop and found some wonderful fabrics in a mix of the mocha, mint, cantaloupe and coral that Amber asked for and got the three bunting banners all made up.

Amber tells me "The buntings will be displayed along a long trestle table outside the church with wooden crates filled with old fashioned soft drinks and popcorn". Doesn't this wedding sound just divine?!

It seems love is in the air at the moment as I have also sold some bunting to Bride to be, Kristie. Kristie sent me her 'ideas board' for wedding ceremony, telling me she was "keeping it relatively simple, teal is the main colour".

As you can see in the 'ideas board' Kristie was after the bunting banner made with Amy Butler's Belle Collection fabrics in the 'Spruce' colour.

Kristie told me this banner is "just the right length to go across the back, behind the celebrant, on the fence".... I hope I get to see (and share) some photos from this wedding!
Speaking of sharing photos from weddings... just this morning, I received some snaps of a wedding from last November. The bride, Alison, works at my local fabric shop and asked me, one day when I was in buying more fabrics (a slight addiction I have), if I could make her a bunting banner in the mint and lavender of her bridesmaid dresses. I got sewing and came up with this sweet banner for the spring wedding.

Alison hadn't decided on where she was going to hang the banner at the time she ordered it but said she loved the idea of bunting for a wedding and she would find the perfect spot for it.

Thanks to these photos I was able to see that Alison loved the banner so much she used it in the entry way of the wedding marquee! Gorgeous!