
October 30, 2009

Any suggestions?...... please

I have a little deal in the works with a fabulous Kate of Tea & Jam Photography. The deal is: I make a bunch of bunting for Kate to use on her stand at the up and coming Mathildas Market in Melbourne and in return she is being lovey enough to take a handful of snaps of Giggleberry banners for me to use in promotions and things.
I finished Kate's banners last night - pretty groovy hey?

Now that Kate's bunting are all finished they are ready to be bundled up and posted off with the sets I decide on for the 'photo shoot'.... this is where I need your help please... What banners should I send Kate to be photographed?
I'm thinking I'll send 4 0r 5 sets and so far have decided on the Strawberries & Cream set

and a one of my shabby chic sets

but what others??? maybe a boy design and a bright pattern..... any and all suggestion welcome (pretty please, with a cherry on top)


October 27, 2009

Treasury Time!

Thanks Stacey from Sunweeds for including Giggleberry's best seller 'Strawberries and Cream' bunting banner in her latest treasury. Be sure to check it out HERE to see all the gorgeous finds from the Kookie Kids Team members

Giggleberry is also a part of the Arty Party treasury made by Radical Glass HERE

And last but not least - I managed to snap up a treasury at the last minute too - The Princess, The Frog. Take a look HERE


October 26, 2009

'The Great String of Bunting' - Part 1

There is nothing like a challenge to get my blood pumping and last week I was asked to do exactly that... Giggleberry was contacted by the lovely Lauren of 'Belle-Laide Events' to see if I was up to the challenge of making 60 metres (65.6 yards) of bunting for an up and coming event and that she would need them delivered by November 13th. With a deep breath I jumped at the chance!!

I have named this order 'The Great String of Bunting'

For 60 metres of bunting I need to make 200 flags so after Lauren told me she was after soft blues and yellows with a small splash of soft reds and that the bunting will be used for a family beach side event I was able to go fabric shopping. I always love going to the fabric shop and this was no exception.
These are the fabric I bought... I love the bold stripes of the bottom blue and red fabrics - they just scream beach to me!

Fate was on my side to get this order started this weekend as my kids had an extra long day time sleep so I was able to get all 200 flags cut out and ready for sewing. Between Saturday night and Sunday night I have managed to get all the flags sewn together, flipped in the right way and then organised into the colour pattern they will be sewn onto the ribbon in.

As this blog post title suggests this is Stage 1 of 'The Great String of Bunting', I will keep you up to date with the next part of the process as it happens. For now I have to wait for the custom order of ribbon I needed to place for this large banner.


October 23, 2009

'I Do' it yourself - DIY Wedding

You have heard me say it before but I will say it again, I LOVE all things "wedding". So when I was told that Giggleberry was part of the latest gorgeous finds HERE on the DIY wedding blog - 'I Do' it yourself - I was so excited!!

I love the colour combination of aqua blue & red that inspired all these etsy handmade finds. I can just imagine the vibrant feel and look they would create for someones special day!!
If you are like me and love a bit of wedding stuff be sure to check out 'I Do' it yourself for, as the blog states, "Tantrums, Tiaras & Sticky Tape"


A Rainbow of Ribbons!

I just had to snap a shot of the Ribbon Rainbow I made the other day while I was sitting cutting my latest order of ribbons to the lengths I need. The ribbons always come in one long length so once they arrive, and I have both kiddies in bed for snoozes, I sit and cut, cut, cut. As I snip the many gorgeous coloured ribbons to size I hang them around my neck to keep them from tangling until I am ready to roll each one into a little spiral and pack them into my supplies drawers. You just can't help but smile at all those colours!!
Hope you all have a happy weekend!!


October 21, 2009

Treasury Fun!

Giggleberry has been included in two treasury's this week and would love some clicks and comments if you have a spare moment...
The first one is a fun Scavenger Hunt by Winklepots.... Just check out the first clue at the top of the Treasury list HERE then find the listing that answers it in the treasury... there you will find clue number 2 and so on and so forth. When you have found all 12 convo the listing ID to Winklepots and you are in the running to win 10 FAM bucks to spend at any participating FAM Team members shops - easy!

The second treasury you will find Giggleberry in is this sweet and fun 'It's A Party' T West by Sunweeds. Don't these finds just make you want to have a spring picnic party??


October 11, 2009

Giggleberry gets to be a part of some fabulous parties!

I love hearing from customers the plans for their new Giggleberry bunting banners. Who the banner is for, why they picked that particular colour or theme, where the banner will hang and who will see the banner 'in action'. One of Giggleberry's most recent customers, Vivian of ish & chi is busy planning a party for her son's 1st birthday that will have a circus theme. Viv was after some bunting to hang at the party and with the circus party having mainly red accents to it she decided on two sets of the 'Strawberries & Cream' banner.

I can't wait to hear how the party goes!! You can take a peek at some of the other things that will help make Robert's 1st birthday a fun one at Viv's blog HERE


October 10, 2009

WARNING - Proud Mum Moment

My little man is up and moving!! He has been scooting from spot to spot very slowly in an army crawl style move and every now and then he would prop himself up on all four and get a rock going then crash back down to the floor... until today!
Just after dressing him in his pajamas after his shower tonight he was playing in his bedroom and I managed to grab my iPhone just in time to catch his first crawl! Yay!!

Now he is moving I bet we won't be able to stop him...

October 8, 2009

Giggleberry Giveaway

Would you like a chance to win your choice of either a 'Strawberries & Cream' or an 'Ice Blue' Giggleberry Banner? No worries! Thanks to Fairy Bread ning group this is your chance!!

Head to Fairy Bread HERE to enter in just 3 easy steps:
1. become a member of Fairy Bread
2. become a fan of Giggleberry Creations at Facebook, HERE
3. and leaving a comment on the competition HERE post telling us how you would use your bunting!

The winner will be drawn randomly on the 24th October 2009. Good Luck!!


October 6, 2009

Easy Peasy Lemon Sqeezy

While sitting on the couch with the laptop last night I popped past the Treasury lists on etsy and saw there was only 20 minutes until it 'opened' so I had a quick think about a theme and and came up with Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy' (I had just been on a kids clothing website and had seen that saying on a t-shirt)

This is what I put together for the Lemon Squeezy treasury.... You can click and comment on it HERE


October 2, 2009

One Year Owled!

How incredibly cute are all these whimsical owl finds??? and what a fun theme for a little person's birthday party!

Thanks so much to Katy of Fairy Bread for including Giggleberry in these finds!!
